Book Layouts and Page Margins: Everything You Need to Know
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Sample Copyright Pages [2 FREE Templates for Your Book]
Amazon Print on Demand
Book Disclaimers: Everything You Need to Know
The Book Fonts Guide: Everything You Need to Know About Book Typography
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4 Illuminating Hero’s Journey Examples From Popular Stories
I’m an early aviation historian who is parsing what was to be an academic compendium of early aviation stories (before WWI). There are more than 50 stories that I will be epublishing separately rather than my original plan for a 2 volume anthology.
Each story has embeded contemporary images taken from contemporary sources – most are scans from books, magazines and newspapers. In most cases original images no longer exist.
My wife is a Photoshop gure, but many images can be improved to barely 300 dpi. I.E. resolution is bd but the images are needed to supplement the text. Conversion to JPegs after tyring to improve doesn’t help. I intend to use wht would otherwise be discarded because othng else exists. Any suggestions that might help?
Good day
I would like to discuss a project that we have. This involves creating an interactive eBook based on our Indesign manuscript (currently used for hard copy production). Could you possibly send me your email address.
Sorry, it’s Aug now and I just saw your message :-)
Could you send me a message from the contact tab at RichieVitale.com or my email if you have it.
Don’t want to leave an email address here.
I’m looking to take lesson in creating an ePub in Sigil and Caliber or have it done professionally. Any ideas for NYC resident?
Richard, I’m sorry that I just saw this.
There are lots of folks in NYC who are ePub savvy; I’m not sure where to point you.
As it happens, I’m going to be in New York in mid-July. I’d be happy to talk with while I’m there, if that would be helpful.