By Shelley Sturgeon
It’s Thanksgiving Weekend here in Canada. I try to frequently reflect on the things in my life that I am thankful for every single day, but this weekend I will take extra time to appreciate my blessings. Even in these times of uncertainty, there is much that is good in the world if you look for it. For starters, just think how much easier it is for indie authors to publish their books! :-)
One thing I am thankful for is YOU–our readers.
Check out this week’s articles and if you have any questions, leave a comment below or contact us here.
And, don’t forget to submit your blog posts for October’s Carnival of the Indies blog carnival by midnight October 15th.
Submissions for October’s e-Book Cover Design Awards will be accepted until the end of the month, Thursday, October 31st.
Stephanie Chandler on Nonfiction Authors Association
Book Review Options
“Book reviews are essential because they help potential readers make a purchase decision.Book Review Options Sending out review copies for potential review is something every author should include in their marketing plans.”
Amy Collins on Jane Friedman
How to Effectively Use Live Video (Even If You Fear the Camera) to Reach Readers
“I’ll bet you dollars to doughnuts that you have within 6 feet of you right now either a smartphone or a tablet with the capability of broadcasting video (also known as livestreaming). .”
Nate Hoffelder on The Digital Reader
Did You Know Calibre Can Make Epub 3 eBooks?
“I was working on the calibre 4.0 post this morning when I discovered a new calibre feature. Well, it’s not new so much as I hadn’t noticed it before.”
Orna Ross on Self-Publishing Advice Center
Self-Publishing is the Best Solution to Low Author Earnings
“There is an old business saying: follow the money to see the true story. If we follow the money in publishing, from the perspective of authors, what story does it tell us?”
Sandra Beckwith on Build Book Buzz
How to get unfriended on Facebook
“Are you an author with too many Facebook friends?”