p class=”note”>A more recent version of this post can be found here: 52 Great Blogs for Self-Publishers.I guess the first really “social” media was blogs. And it was a pretty substantial shift in the media firmament. The idea that the broadcaster (the blogger) would interact directly with the audience (the readers) was explosive. And socialize we did.Blogs have become one the largest de facto sources of news, information and opinion in the media landscape. There are few newspapers, fewer television stations. But there are millions of blogs.
Blogs for Self-Publishers
In the area of self-publishing, the transition to digital books, and everything related, these are the blogs I read. No, they aren’t all self-publishers or even self-publishing advocates, and their appearance on this list doesn’t imply any kind of approval on the bloggers’ part.But we need a lot of perspectives to really see the field of indie publishing in the round. And every blog on this list teaches me about how to publish, what to publish, and what’s coming in indie publishing.I hope you enjoy them. Because you may want to click away from the list to visit these blogs, I suggest you bookmark this address:36 Great Blogs for Self-PublishersHave a great time!
p class=”note”>Note: The blogs do not appear in any particular order. Except the last, of course. If I’ve missed a blog that should be here, would you be so kind as to leave me a comment with the url and I will investigate at once.
p class=”alert”>This is a clickable list. Just click each graphic to visit that blog.
Hey, you didn’t really think I was going to leave this next one off, did you?
So go forth and read, read, read. The publishing world is changing so fast no one person can keep up with developments. It’s through the combined work of all these dedicated bloggers that we can at least know we’re keeping up with the leading edge of change.Image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brettlider/