Publishing meeting season is heating up, with writers conferences, publishing university and lots of other groups holding annual meetings. It’s a good thing. Here we take a look at epublishing and homebrewing, more on epublishing and ebook services, and some advice about print book publishing for novelists. Have fun.
Jeff Moriarity (@epublishunum) on EPUBLISH UNUM
Publishing lessons from a homebrewing newbie
“There never will be a better time to try new and crazy things in the digital publishing world, but if you don’t understand how things work already you’re going to fail. Learn what others are doing, borrow from them, then head off in your own direction.”
L.J. Sellers (@LJSellers) on Crime Fiction Collective
Invest in Your Own E-Book
“The three main elements to producing a quality e-book are editing, cover design, and formatting. Many authors are tempted to do all three themselves to save money. But unless you’re incredibility talented and have all the time in the world, it’s probably not a cost-effective decision.”
Jane Friedman (@JaneFriedman) on Jane Friedman
10 Questions to Ask Before Committing to Any E-Publishing Service
“With an avalanche of new services promising to help writers self-publish or distribute their e-books even better and more profitably before, it’s imperative that writers educate themselves about how these services typically operate—plus read the fine print of any new service before deciding to commit.”
John Bethune (@JohnBethune) on B2B Memes
The Coming Death of Self-Publishing
“As an implicit indicator of quality, the idea inherent in the phrase “self-publishing” increasingly serves no purpose (other than a historical one).”
Dean Wesley Smith (@DeanWesleySmith) on Dean Wesley Smith
The New World of Publishing: Reasons for a Trade Paper Edition
“Building a booklist will take time, sometimes years to build a decent publisher list of titles. And the sales will be very slow at first. But down the road, after those years, you will be very, very glad you got started early.”
Photo: Lindenbaum