You knew it had to happen. We’ve been getting hammered here ever since the Self-Publishing Roadmap online training program registration opened up yesterday.
I got bombarded with requests from prospective Roadmap purchasers, and they all wanted to know the same thing:
Where are the bonuses??
It seems that every internet product has to come with a ton of bonuses, or we don’t feel like we’re getting all we should.
So I said, “Okay, you want to know what all the bonuses are? Here you go!”
Big Bouncing Bonus Rundown
So here’s the whole rundown on the program AND the bonuses. This is massive value, and it’s why one reader said it looked like the “best value they’ve seen this year.”
Here’s what you’ll get when you enroll in the Self-Publishing Roadmap training course:
- 5 modules of video instruction to step you through the whole publishing process from manuscript to book launch
- Audio versions of all video lessons for portability
- Transcripts of all video lessons for reference
- Checklists, worksheets, tutorials and other downloads to help you on the way
- 6 live teleconference calls to answer your questions
- Lifetime access to all materials and any future upgrades
Plus these bonuses:
- 10 exclusive Marketing Mastermind interviews with top book pros including Joanna Penn, Penny Sansevieri, Dan Blank and many more.
- 5 Self-Publisher’s Quick & Easy Guides covering Copyright, ISBNs, Book Distribution, Print on Demand and Article Marketing for authors
- Steven Lewis’ course on formatting for Kindle including 25 videos and a downloadable PDF guide
- Joanna Penn’s webinar “How to Promote Your Novel: 21 Ways to Sell More Books Online” with video, audio and PDF downloads
- Lisa J Cohen’s 32-page e-Book Creation: A Guide for Writers using free tools like Calibre and Open Office
- The Book book design templates to help you get pro-quality results (for use with Adobe InDesign)
- Video mini-course in Book Design for Self-Publishers where you “watch over my shoulder” as I teach you how to create great-looking books.
- Video mini-course in Freewriting to help you ramp up your writing productivity
- Book Design to Sell teleseminar, a one-hour audio packed with tips and information on creating books that work right, including a transcript for reference
- Publishing strategies webinar video that walks you through the three key concepts to determine the best books for your readers
- A 30-minute personal one-on-one consultation with me to help you strategize your publishing project
(The total retail value of these products is $2,498.95, and you can see complete details on the Registration page.)
More Info
Registration is open now, but will close down on Monday night. Your one-time payment of $697 (or two monthly payments of $365) gives you *lifetime access* to the Roadmap content. New material is being added all the time and, even if the whole program is overhauled, you’ll *always* get full access.
This is your chance to go from spending hours researching stuff on the internet to spending time enjoying the fruits of being a savvy self-publisher—more authority, engaged readers, passive income from book sales, better consulting fees—or all of the above!
(And by the way, service providers who want to offer self-publishing services to their clients are some of the most enthusiastic Roadmap participants.)
And remember, I personally guarantee your satisfaction with this comprehensive new training program. There’s nothing else like it online or off. You have 60 days to use the course and all the materials without risk.
Check out the Registration page for all the details. Here’s the link:
Self-Publishing Roadmap Registration
Take charge of your publishing destiny and learn to publish books your readers really want to buy.
Want Even More? It’s Coming Tomorrow
Okay, now I know a lot of you want to see exactly what you get for your money. The absolute best way to see what the Roadmap is all about with a sample of the real content.
So watch this space tomorrow, I’m going to post one of the lessons along with one of the downloads for you right here on the blog. You’ll be able to see exactly how this course can get you the information and training you need to create really great books.
Any questions, please leave them in the comments.
Photo by sanbeiji