There are certain days when you really want to get your mind off things, and Sundays in the summer qualify. Today to help you here are a number of articles that will repay your attention, ranging from mergers and acquisitions to author platforms, Facebook advertising, the cost of self-publishing, and some good news for overseas authors. Have at it.
Jane Friedman (@JaneFriedman) on Jane Friedman
Is the Author Solutions Acquisition a Good Thing for Authors?
“Specifically, I might be convinced into thinking it’s a smart acquisition IF: They’re sincere and transparent in their dealings with writers, especially about what it means to self-publish, and what is possible…”
Dan Blank (@DanBlank) on We Grow Media
Is “Platform” Saturated?
“For many writers, the real value of “platform” is about adding muscle, not unnecessary fat. About growing their skills, not about chasing celebrity. It is about building a meaningful connection with others, not becoming a bestseller at all costs, screaming at the top of your lungs.”
Dianne Greenlay (@DianneGreenlay) on Dianne Greenlay
Show Me the Money … (in 10 steps or less)
“Here is an abbreviated version of my experience in spending and gains for my book so far (all cussing and tears of dejection and depression have been removed):”
Catherine Ryan Howard on Catherine, Caffeinated
The Easy Way to Get Your US Tax Back
“…What happens to the tax that’s already been withheld? What about the 30% that’s been skimmed off each and every US-based royalty payment you’ve thus far received? How do you get your US tax back?”
Lindsay Buroker (@GoblinWriter) on Lindsay Buroker
How Facebook Advertising Works for Authors
“One thing I like about Facebook advertising over, say, Google Adwords, is that you can target a very precise viewership. Thanks to the “like” system, and many other factors, Facebook knows a ton about its users.”
Photo by j_benson