Earlier this week I wrote about the amazing effects you can achieve by taking your book marketing offline.
We looked at 8 different actions you can take to combine offline marketing with your online efforts.
Well, I’m trying to practice what I preach here at the Book Designer, so I’ve been saying “Yes!” almost every time I’m asked to participate in a live event.
I’ve found these events to be a terrific way to meet readers, network with friends and colleagues, get a live, in-the-moment response to instructional material, and generally bask in the company of people who share my interests and passions.
What could be bad about that?
Here are the events I’ll be attending over the next couple of months that will present a substantial opportunity for those of you who are able to participate.
Author U Extravaganza (Denver, Colorado)
This 3-day event, May 2 – 4, hosted by Judith Briles’ Author U group, looks to be a terrific event for any author who wants to get a huge dose of inspiration, actionable ideas, and professional advice for his or her publishing career.
What’s it all about? Here’s part of the description:
Over THREE incredible, high content delivering days, you will be working with amazing book marketing strategists, publicists, Internet gurus, mobile marketing geniuses, audio and video pioneers—all done in an intense workshop environment—Block the dates on your calendar and register now for THREE days that will turn you and your book into creating the edge that you both need. Keynotes are Guy Kawasaki (APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur), Joel Friedlander (The Book Designer) and Penny Sansevieri (Red Hot Internet Publicity).
Specifically, I’ll be offering a 4-hour workshop:
Blogging FROM the Ground Up—How to Build a Blog THAT Works!
In this 4-hour workshop you’ll learn why blogging is the most amazing, democratic, inexpensive, and immediate marketing tool ever invented. It’s perfect for authors who want to make a name for themselves, grow a community of raving fans, gain access to leaders in your field, and create a platform that will support your work for years to come.
However, I understand this workshop is 75% full already. If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, you might want to act soon.
For complete information, click here: Author U Extravaganza
IBPA Publishing University (Chicago, Illinois)
Have you ever been to the annual Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) Publishing University?
If you’re serious about your career in publishing, I highly recommend it. You’ll find the most authoritative and targeted training for self- and indie publishers, with sessions spread over 2 days, April 26-27 at Chicago’s famous Palmer House hotel.
I’ll be presenting two sessions there:
The Selling Power of Book Design with Tamara Dever of TLC Graphics and Monica Thomas of Monica Thomas Design
Creating Websites and Blogs that Boost Your Bottom Line with Shannon Bodie, Lightbourne, Inc. and Joan Stewart, The Publicity Hound
No matter what stage of publishing you’re in, Publishing University has something for you, with 24 breakout sessions on publishing topics led by industry experts, general sessions featuring the industry’s hottest topics, the opportunity to “Ask the Experts” in your own private consulting session–I’ll be there and would love to talk with you.
- 24 breakout sessions including the best how-to topics in publishing led by industry experts. (These sessions focus on hands-on tools and techniques to sell more books.)
- General sessions featuring the industry’s hottest topics and including headliner Guy Kawasaki
- The opportunity to “Ask the Experts” in your own private consulting session. (I’ll be there and would love to talk with you, so if you attend please grab me and say “Hi!”)
- Formal and informal networking with colleagues and future mentors.
And much more!
Find out more at IBPA Publishing University.
It would be a real thrill for me to meet up with any readers at these events. There’s always a minute to chat or have a cup of coffee. And the “Ask an Expert” sessions are ideal for diving into your book project.
See you there.
Photo: bigstockphoto.com. I am an affiliate of Author U.