This Week in the Blogs, November 26 – December 2, 2016

POSTED ON Dec 4, 2016

Shelley Sturgeon

Written by Shelley Sturgeon

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs, November 26 – December 2, 2016

So, are you making your list and checking it twice? You know–writing, editing, interior and cover design, maybe an e-book conversion, website, social media, etc.? If so, you may find these articles both informative and helpful.

Martin Crosbie on Indies Unlimited
New Book Promo Sites, Blogging, Freebies…
“There are two new promotion sites that look promising, Amazon have added Prime Reading to their Prime program, giving away your product seems like it could be advantageous once again, and there’s another outlet where you can blog.”

Sabrina Ricci on Digital Pubbing
8 Fun Trends in Reading and Publishing
“Our culture is changing, and it’s exciting and fascinating to watch.”

Porter Anderson on Publishing Perspectives
Golden Headsets: Audiobooks’ Growth Is Music to Publishers’ Ears
“At this week’s FutureBook conference in London, a new specialized track on audiobooks will give attendees a chance to focus on the born-again format that keeps racking up sales.”

Frances Caballo on Social Media Just For Writers
Author’s Guide to Email Marketing plus 3 Best Practices
“There’s a piece of advice that authors everywhere are receiving that you can’t ignore: start your email marketing list and grow it.”

Dan Wagstaff on Casual Optimist
Notable Book Covers of 2016
“It is that wonderful/awful time of year. Wonderful because we get to look back at some of the amazing work people have done over the past 12 months. Awful because lists are arbitrary and someone always misses out.”

Too Good To Miss

Duke Diercks on Duke Diercks
Publish Your Own Book: Self-Publishing Tips and Costs
“Ready to publish your own book? Fantastic! As you might guess, this post covers self-publishing both for Kindle and other ebooks as well as print books. This is a comprehensive post covering everything from formatting your book, launching your book, as well as book marketing.”

David Penny on The Creative Penn
How To Get Your Book Sales Moving With Facebook Ads. A Case Study With David Penny
“Much of the information out there on Facebook Ads is from people spending a lot of money and from people making a lot of money. … We all love to hear the outlier stories, but sometimes it’s more encouraging to hear from those nearer the beginning of the journey.”

Self-Publishing News You Can Use

By Amy Collins

Kobo and Overdrive

Did you know that KOBO and OVERDRIVE are owned by the same company? In 2015, Rakuten, the Boston-based owner of Kobo eBooks agreed to purchase Overdrive, the largest library ebook wholesaler out there. Now, the two companies have partnered up to offer ebooks to libraries through their KOBO AURA ONE tablets. This is huge for authors wanting to get their ebooks listed at libraries. Up until now, most self-published books were not eligible to be listed or handled by Overdrive. Now, KOBO, the second largest ebook platform in the world, is making it easier to get ebooks from libraries and IN TO libraries.

Links of Interest

All the World’s a Book Fair (or Writer’s Conference) Calendar

Northampton Book and Book Arts Fair (Friday–Saturday, December 2–3)

Smith College Campus Center, lm Street (Route 9), Northampton, MA

Ruth Rogers gives a keynote talk on “Layers of Perception: The Unwritten Language of Artists’ Books.” Learn how to deconstruct artists’ books to see how you’re really thinking about the art. Or watch a letter-carving demonstration. See people make paper by hand or do some custom bookbinding. Read a story published in the form of a poker deck. Gaze at Zodiac B, by Travis Smith, which has poems on cards about discontinued constellations (evidently there’s an official register and these guys didn’t make the cut back in 1922) such as Argo the Ship, Felis the Cat, and Bufo the Toad.

French Quarter Author-Mentor Workshop (Friday–Monday, December 2–5)

Hotel Monteleone, 214 Royal St., New Orleans, LA

Get guidance from authors one-on-one. Learn the tricks of narrative construction, finding your voice, as well as the mechanics of the publishing industry. Also, we bet everyone gets drunk and eats lots of crawdads. It’s fleeping New Orleans. You need an excuse to go?

Digital Publishing Innovation Summit (Monday–Tuesday, December 5–6)

Intercontinental Hotel, 888 Howard St., San Francisco, CA

The theme of this summit is “Diversify Your Content to Increase Traffic & Grow Revenue Streams.” Well, I guess that’s the kind of advice you want from one of these conferences, but it might it be just a little too on-the-nose in its avariciousness for those of us who do it for love. (Of course, there’s a word for those who do it for love: suckers!).

If you want to hear from huge heavy-hitters from immediately recognizable platforms and websites such as The Onion, Reddit, The Daily Beast, Bloomberg, etc., then you’d better go to this, but you’d also better have a decent revenue stream already, because the cheapest pass costs $600.

Shelley Sturgeon

Written by
Shelley Sturgeon

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