This Week in the Blogs, June 20 – 26, 2010

POSTED ON Jun 27, 2010

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs, June 20 – 26, 2010

What do you think, are things looking up? This week’s lineup includes some great marketing advice, more talk about the talk about self-publishing, and a couple of articles about the future of the ebook. That’s a nice change of pace. And don’t miss Matt Chevy’s post about the future of Twitter, it’s all good. Enjoy!

Penny Sansevieri on Huffington Post
12 Secrets to Selling More Books at Events
“While I spend a lot of time addressing online marketing, the offline component is one you shouldn’t overlook. If book events are where you want to focus, then bringing in some ideas to help you sell more books is something you should consider.”

Henry Baum on Self-Publishing Review
Self-Publishing Has Arrived
“The fact is when it comes to “inept prose,” many readers don’t care. Inept prose is very frequently extraordinarily popular. Setting aside Dan Brown or Stephanie Meyer – who are monstrously successful – there’s a much larger wing of midlist authors that are doing very well regardless of the quality of their prose.”

Brian Scott on Book Publishing News
“Be A Great Author” Tips Using Publicity and Media Strategy
“GOOD authors and experts have an in depth knowledge of their area of expertise. GREAT authors and experts have the same in depth knowledge about their topics but also understand know how to apply what they know to what is happening in America and then share their point of view on radio, TV, print and on the internet.”

Mike Cane on Mike Cane’s iPad Test
It’s Not The Device Or The File, It’s The Internet, Stupid!
“Ownership is access. This is what the Internet is creating. All of you book publishers rushing to try to cash in on this transient eInk/iPad device craze — stop! You are wasting time and money that should be used on the Internet. The Internet is permanent. Devices and files are not.”

Piotr Kowalczyk on Self-Publishing Review
15 Questions About Google Editions
“Google Editions will launch in a couple of days, weeks at latest. And when it happens, the world will receive a simple message: you don’t need to buy an extra device to read books, use your current one as long as it has a browser.”

Mike Shea on
Self-Publishing and the Dying of Old Gods
“We might be at that perfect time for self publishers that Malcolm Gladwell describes in Outliers. If we got started now, fighting our way to get our 10,000 hours of self publishing experience while everyone else is hanging onto the dying gods of traditional publishing, by the time everyone else has figured out that this is the way to go, you and I could be sitting on a beach earning 70% on our new teenage Mummy novel series.”

And for Something a Little Different . . .

Matt Cheuvront on Life Without Pants
Toy Story 3: The Beginning of the End for Twitter?
“So where’s the cut-off? What do you see as the future of Twitter and Social Networks in general? How can these companies make money through TASTEFUL advertising? Or is that even possible? Is this rise and fall of one business after another inevitable?”


Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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