Audible, the dominant retailer of audiobooks, has been actively encouraging customers to return audiobooks in exchange for new audiobooks.
David Kudler
Reflowable vs. Fixed-Layout Ebooks: Which is best for your book?
The vagaries of the reflowable ebook introduce uncertainty that doesn’t work for all ebooks. But with fixed-layout ebooks those uncertainties can be eliminated.
PublishDrive All In on Subscription Model
PublishDrive has shifted completely to a subscription-based model for all new accounts, completely eliminating the “pay as you go” plan for new accounts.
Using a Nom de Plume: Why You Might Want to Rethink Pen Names
Everyone considers using a nom de plume or pen name. I am going to offer an argument for not using a pen name — or, at least, for sticking to just one.
SEVEN Things You Should Be Including in Your Ebook (Revisited)
This is an update of a very popular post I wrote a few years back; it adds some updated info and refines some of the techniques I used back then.
I Can Get It for You Wholesale — Pricing Your Book
I was asked recently what factors affect the price that I give a book. Here are the considerations I take into account when pricing a book.
Have I Got a Book for You! Compelling Book Descriptions – Part 2
In Part 1, we discussed how to hook your readers with book descriptions. Now, let’s talk about how to tease your readers once they’re hooked.
Have I Got a Book for You! Compelling Book Descriptions – Part 1
You’ve gotten a potential reader to visit your book’s product page. Now it’s time to seal the deal. How? Your book description, that’s how.
3 Dos for Getting Reviews (and 4 Don’ts)
One of the most powerful tools for marketing your book is reader reviews. Here are a few dos and don’ts for getting reviews.
How Can I Promote My Book For Free?
Every author wants to know how to get the word out about his or her book. The most effective marketing that an author can do doesn’t involve paying money.
The Convertible Cloud Revisited
It’s been a couple of years, so let’s revisit online ebook conversion tools available through the major retailers and aggregators.
Fun with Fonts — Getting Ebook Typefaces Right
We sure spend a lot of time finding just the right fonts for our print books. And we want our ebooks to look just as good, don’t we?