Elena Rapovets

The 20 Best Book Covers in the Fantasy Genre

The 20 Best Book Covers in the Fantasy Genre

It's hard to overstate the importance of a great book cover. The best book covers grab readers' attention and spark their curiosity about the story inside. For fantasy books, the cover sets the stage for a journey filled with wonders and adventures. A few key elements...

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The Top Fantasy Fonts for Book Covers: Free and Paid

The Top Fantasy Fonts for Book Covers: Free and Paid

What catches a potential reader's eye when they scan through rows of fantasy books? The short answer is that it's the book cover design. Often, it's the font on the cover that makes a crucial first impression. Great fantasy fonts do more than just grab attention; they...

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The 8-Step Dan Harmon Story Circle: Story Structure Guide

The 8-Step Dan Harmon Story Circle: Story Structure Guide

For thousands of years, stories have followed a simple pattern called "the hero's journey." The term was coined quite recently by an American professor, Joseph Campbell in 1949. Campbell noticed that many stories from different cultures follow the same pattern: a hero...

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What is a Novella? Definitions and Inspiring Examples

What is a Novella? Definitions and Inspiring Examples

When writing a story, one of the first questions you ask yourself is what kind of story you are writing. Is it a short story, a novel, or a novella? While the first two are quite well-known, you might wonder, "What is a novella?" A novella is a story that falls...

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The Fichtean Curve: Story Structure Guide

The Fichtean Curve: Story Structure Guide

There's nothing new under the sun, and all great stories boil down to the same basic plot structure: there's a conflict, it builds up to a high point, and eventually, one way or another, it gets resolved.  However, there are different ways to engage your readers....

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