The one phrase you likely thought you’d never hear was author logos. After all, authors need to focus on plot, characterization, public speaking, marketing, and everything else involved in their platform. Well, this is where author logos come in! Logos are not only...

Sarah Rexford
Easy Ways To Find Reading Levels by ISBN: 3 Common Questions, Answered
With so many genres out there, sometimes it can be difficult to know which book to purchase for yourself or for someone else. While reading slightly above natural reading level can push readers to grow, reading well above your reading level is a different kind of frustration.Â
Romance Book Design: The 3 Magic Tips On How To Craft The Best Cover
Romance is a highly popular genre, and so, of course, romance book design is crucial. Whether you write contemporary romance, historical, or fantasy, your romance book design is the first impression your readers receive.Â
5 Great Book Binding Services
When it comes time to put your book into the world, looking into the top book binding services is key for self-publishing authors. The privilege of self-publishing means you have full creative control over what you publish, how you publish it, and when. However,...
Thanksgiving Books for 5 Different Audiences
Whether you live in a warm climate and fall feels the same as summertime, or you live in a colder climate and Thanksgiving feels like crisp air, colorful leaves, and hot drinks, it’s fun to read books that contribute to the season. Spooky season is past and it’s time...
7 Classic Horror Books Perfect for Spooky Season
With spooky season upon us, it’s time to take a look at some classic horror books. Whether the author dreamed up their story in the 1800s or recently, a good spooky story takes time and commitment to write. From Frankenstein in 1818 to Ray Bradbury’s Something Wicked...
What is a Publishing Imprint? And do You Need One?
So you wrote a book, and now you want to publish it. First of all, congratulations, as this is a huge accomplishment! Having the desire to write a book is common, but putting in the hours until you create a final product takes a different level of commitment. ...
How To Create A Standout Book Title Page: 5 FAQs and Answers
Knowing how to create a title page is one of the first needs you have as an aspiring author. Yes, you have your book idea. Yes, you can write. But if you hope to get your book out into the world, it’s important to format your project in the appropriate way. If you...
The Book Patch Review—Is The Book Patch Truly Legit?
Are you looking to print books with The Book Patch? We did The Book Patch review to save you time. Although the digital revolution allows people to enjoy eBooks and audiobooks at the touch of a button, there will always be a place for print books in the world. There’s...
Audiobooks on LibriVox: Are They Any Good?
This month we've been featuring content all around audiobooks and, in particular, how to listen to them. This week we're diving into LibriVox. But first, let's talk about your commute. As commutes to work and general drive time fill up so much of our lives, listening...
What Is a Glossary? (FAQ & Examples)
As writers, it’s easy to focus on the writing of the book itself, the main copy. After all, without those thousands of words your book wouldn’t exist. They are crucial. But there are other parts to a book: Title page, dedication, contents, foreword,...
Epub vs Mobi
You’ve written your book and now you’re trying to decide what format to use to put it out into the world. Or maybe you’re still considering writing your book but you want to decide which format to use prior to writing. You’ve come to the right place. The format...